Day 10: Minneapolis, MN - Milwaukee, WI

Monday 9/11
We watch the 9/11 tragedy review in NBC and start a little later today. We remind ourselves that this nation is about freedom. It is not about capitalism or democracy per se. It is not about wealth, ownership, technology, development or all the other attributes people explain America with – all this comes as a gift as long as we maintain freedom. Most of us rather die than compromise freedom. Our buildings, our people, our advanced civilization is based on freedom – and that can’t be taken away by terrorists no matter what they try – no matter how hard they try to hit us.

Back on I-94 we go towards Milwaukee. Unfortunately it is still raining, grey sky and foggy. When we enter the city we a greeted by the Miller Stadium to the right which is very impressive. Also Milwaukee is very impressive metropolis with outstanding homes north of the city at the lake shore. These homes are majestic. Not like the small homes in Palo Alto or the more modern homes in Woodside – they are big. And price wise about 20% of our homes in California. A well maintained 5,000 sft home on an acre of land runs at about $600,000 – lake view and history of the home included of course.

We stay in Milwaukee in a Ramada – absolutely not recommended. It is the first time we caught a real dirty hotel.


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