Day 14: Cleveland, OH - Pittsburgh, PA

Friday 9/15
We arrive at the border to Pennsylvania and go to the visitor center. A sign welcomes us: "smile - you are in Pennsylvania". Yes it feels good. We check the visitor center and are advised by a very friendly and helpful lady to swing by Pittsburgh if we can. OK – so we change our plans and instead going I-80 straight to Philadelphia we go to Pittsburgh. Unlike other industrial towns Pittsburgh is very lively and very much into cultural events. Groups are playing misic on the street and everybody seam to be busy to arrive in time at the theatre or opera or what ever the event is. People are pretty elegantly dressed. They only thing that was very surprising to us was the fact that stores close at 5PM have some store hours on Saturday and are completely closed on Sunday. Now we understand the hectic in town. It very much reminded us on the days where we were in stress ourselves back in the days when we lived in Europe to buy what we needed for the weekend – never got what we really wanted and where always short on something. OK – we think – there is a lot of room for economic improvement. We had an early dinner at the "Fish Market". I just had to have some really good dinner. Executive Chef Brian Annapolen is an artist. Marita had her best Trout since years and I had the best surf & turf since probably 20 years. The desert: A piece of art. The bakery chef is equally phenomenal. We can just highly recommend the place. We enjoy the city, drive through the “Strip” and take a walk across the river, while the bridge is closed for car traffic due to a base ball game. Later in the evening we go back on the road – I70 towards Somerset where we spent the night in a local Holiday Inn. And to our surprise there is a pub in the ground flour of the old hotel with a live band playing rock music from the 60’s and 70’s. After a couple Gin-n-tonic we crash J